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Randy Robinson – R.E. Robinson Remodeling

Randy Robinson


Randy is a life-long Gainesville resident. He started his career in construction in 1968 with his father, GW Robinson. In 1983, Randy became a Florida Certified Residential Contractor. During his time at GW Robinson Builders, Randy held every position in construction management. He was involved with hundreds of families in building their new homes. He is dedicated to service and making a difference at home and abroad through his affiliation with Rotary and other charitable organizations.

The initials R. E. comes from Randall Emerald Robinson. Randy is named after his Grandfather Emerald Robinson who maintained a small grocery store near modern downtown Gainesville and Depot Ave. Emerald ran his small store through the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s until he retired just outside of Gainesville. Emerald was well known for providing quality fresh vegetables meat and fish; he was also known to never turn away a family in need and ran credit when necessary for families who could not afford to pay. The Robinsons have maintained a name of integrity and honor for years in Gainesville, Randy Robinson is proud to continue that tradition.

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